大益投資指南 2005-2020
A Collection and Investment Guide of
TAETEA (Dayi) Puerh Tea from
Menghai Tea Factory 2005-2020
(Book Language: Chinese)  


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《大益投資指南 2005-2020》 內容簡介

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(預覽第 48 & 49 頁)





Available For Sale Now at
Cloud's Tea House:


《大益投資指南 2005-2020》作者校對稿:第10稿
在 2021 年 4 月 23 日(星期五)火速運到浮雲手上。
期間積極校對,爭取早日出刊,歷經至十三稿,終於大功告成!並於 2021 年 6 月 22 日(星期二)確認印書。

《大益投資指南 2005-2020》現貨書本
已於 2021 年 8 月 18 日(星期三)火速正式上架發售,少量現貨,欲購從速。


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A7412 ★大益投資指南 2005-2020★【中文版】





二、當然也不是 100% 的《大益》都具投資價值,否則閉上眼亂買《大益》就是了!

在 2011 年的時候,浮雲已預測普洱茶將會貴到難以置信。今天,果然如此,不少茶友都嘖嘖稱奇,覺得當時候何以研判得如此準確?

其實,在 2011年9月8日,浮雲早已在【浮雲藏茶•網絡文章】,寫下這句:「【價值總評】...在此茶未推出市場之前,浮雲都聽到不少茶友在談論此套茶,說是大益的大炒作茶品,因為光是聽說那上萬元之譜的價格,那是新茶前所未聞的。然而,在以「炒作」這題目來否定這套紀念茶之前,茶友不妨把目光看遠一點,試想一下在五年、十年之後的中國會怎樣?其實,當更多中國人認識普洱茶、想更了解普洱茶,而又想從知名品牌開始的話,首選就是大益。  換句話說,日後喝陳化優美的大益牌高端茶品,就會有種像開「雙B」的心理效果。相信在未來十年,大益也將朝著這個方向前進。因此,只要大益能夠保持,甚至提升其產品的品質,它的市場地位是不會因為一部份茶友不喝大益茶,而有所動搖的。」 (2011年9月8日)

以上是浮雲十年前說的,時間都過去了,無法追回。展望將來?普洱茶在 2030 年將會是怎樣的光境?如果你「買對茶」的話,還是那三個字:「漲、漲、漲!」在鈔票印了極多的環境下,還指望優質商品崩盤嗎?鈔票可以隨便印,但具陳期的「陳年普洱茶」卻不可以在短時間內複製,供應市場!




Enlarge to read the Chinese Introduction on the back
A Collection and Investment Guide of
TAETEA (Dayi) Puerh Tea from
Menghai Tea Factory 2005-2020
(Book Language: Chinese)

The English translation of the above [More Details] is not provided.

Cloud (Hong Kong, China)
Buy Potential Great Teas and Store Them Appropriately!
Buy Great Tea Now! Wait And See will only cost you more!
Stay away from Rubbish Teas, the money you saved can buy more Great Teas!
2021.08.18 (Wed)




[Preview to some pages of the book]

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A7384《大益投資指南 2005-2020》


《大益投資指南 2005-2020》浮雲歷經一年,嘔心瀝血之作,不眠不休,趕緊加工,全書合共 608 頁,快將出版。不過,怎麼快,都不夠《大益》茶價漲得快,書本還未付印,價格已經需要大幅調整。來!先看看部份頁面,先睹為快(頁面陸陸續續每日貼出),如下:


A Collection and Investment Guide of
TAETEA (Dayi) Puerh Tea from
Menghai Tea Factory 2005-2020

The 10th Draft for Cloud's approval

A Collection and Investment Guide of TAETEA (Dayi) Puerh Tea from Menghai Tea Factory 2005-2020 is the masterpiece new Chinese book edited by Cloud. It is all about TAETEA (Dayi) from 2005 to 2020. Cloud has been spending 1 year for writing several articles (Chinese) for this book and keeping updating the information about the recent TAETEA (Dayi).

The book, which is a huge book with 608 pages covering the important TAETEA (Dayi) from 2005 to 2020, will be available for sale soon. However, although Cloud has speeded up the work, the market prices of TAETEA (Dayi) are even going up faster. While the book is still under final approval, the tea prices have to be updated regularly.

Come on, let's take a look of some pages in advance as follows: (to be posted soon on a daily basis)

2021.04.28 (Wed)


A7385《大益投資指南 2005-2020》




A Collection and Investment Guide of
TAETEA (Dayi) Puerh Tea from
Menghai Tea Factory 2005-2020

The 10th Draft for Cloud's approval

The Table of Contents. LOOK! It is very condensed, scary!

2021.04.29 (Thu)


A7386《大益投資指南 2005-2020》




A Collection and Investment Guide of
TAETEA (Dayi) Puerh Tea from
Menghai Tea Factory 2005-2020

The 10th Draft for Cloud's approval

The Chinese PREFACE written by Cloud with thousands of Chinese words. Does Cloud look handsome? 💰 Buy the book and you will see!

2021.04.30 (Fri)


A7387《大益投資指南 2005-2020》


百人票選,TOP 1 茶品,2017軒轅黃帝;最近大漲特漲,明白了嗎?本書影響力,不容小覷(芳村得知此書的人,聞風先買)。


A Collection and Investment Guide of
TAETEA (Dayi) Puerh Tea from
Menghai Tea Factory 2005-2020

The 10th Draft for Cloud's approval

2017 TAETEA Xuanyuan Hao <1701>
The Top 1st voted tea after a tea election event held by the Puerh-teapot Chinese Magazine amoung a hundred of tea traders in 2020. The price of this Tea of Yellow Emperor has gone up insanely after the Chinese New Year 2021. The reason is obvious, right? The influence of this book is emerging.

2021.05.01 (Sat)


A7388《大益投資指南 2005-2020》


百人票選,TOP 4 茶品,2011金大益;即將大漲特漲,信乎?


A Collection and Investment Guide of
TAETEA (Dayi) Puerh Tea from
Menghai Tea Factory 2005-2020

The 10th Draft for Cloud's approval

2011 Golden Dayi <101>
The Top 4th voted tea after a tea election event held by the Puerh-teapot Chinese Magazine amoung a hundred of tea traders in 2020. The price of this 2011 Golden Dayi is going to go up, do you believe?

2021.05.02 (Sun)


A7389《大益投資指南 2005-2020》


百人票選,TOP 7 茶品,2007皇茶壹號,皇茶會茶,首批發行,天生明星!


A Collection and Investment Guide of
TAETEA (Dayi) Puerh Tea from
Menghai Tea Factory 2005-2020

The 10th Draft for Cloud's approval

2007 Dayi Royal Tea NO.1 <701>
The Top 7th voted tea after a tea election event held by the Puerh-teapot Chinese Magazine amoung a hundred of tea traders in 2020. This tea was the first memorial tea of the TAETEA (Dayi) Royal Club Beijing. 2007 Dayi Royal Tea NO.1 <701> is born to be GREAT.

2021.05.03 (Mon)


A7390《大益投資指南 2005-2020》


百人票選,TOP 7 茶品,2007皇茶壹號,詳細剖析,箇中滋味,班章茶韻!


A Collection and Investment Guide of
TAETEA (Dayi) Puerh Tea from
Menghai Tea Factory 2005-2020

The 10th Draft for Cloud's approval

2007 Dayi Royal Tea NO.1 <701>
The Top 7th voted tea after a tea election event held by the Puerh-teapot Chinese Magazine amoung a hundred of tea traders in 2020. Cloud is going to tell you in this article (Chinese) about the 2007 Dayi Royal Tea NO.1 <701> in details with its GREAT taste including the melody of Banzhang.

2021.05.04 (Tue)


A7391《大益投資指南 2005-2020》




A Collection and Investment Guide of
TAETEA (Dayi) Puerh Tea from
Menghai Tea Factory 2005-2020

The 10th Draft for Cloud's approval

How to Choose the TAETEA (Dayi) Puerh Tea with Long-term Investment Value?
If you are interested in investing TAETEA (Dayi) Puerh tea, this is the Chinese article you must read!

2021.05.05 (Wed)


A7392《大益投資指南 2005-2020》




A Collection and Investment Guide of
TAETEA (Dayi) Puerh Tea from
Menghai Tea Factory 2005-2020

The 10th Draft for Cloud's approval

The 2007~2020 Blueprint of TAETEA (Dayi) Puerh Tea Becoming Luxurious Financial Commodities
If you do want to know the reason why the market value of a piece of TAETEA (Dayi) Puerh tea cake is equivalent to a luxirious lady handbag from those famous brands, you must read this Chinese article seriously! With more than 40,000 Chinese words, don't fall asleep while you are reading. Make a cup of good tea, sit down and enjoy reading.

2021.05.06 (Thu)


A7393《大益投資指南 2005-2020》


浮雲為茶友詳細剖析「2005 大益金色韻象(金黃版)<501>400g」箇中的茶湯與茶價秘密!


A Collection and Investment Guide of
TAETEA (Dayi) Puerh Tea from
Menghai Tea Factory 2005-2020

The 10th Draft for Cloud's approval

Cloud will tell and anslyse the secret and in-depth relations between the taste and market value of "2005 Dayi Golden Harmonious Flavor (Golden Yellow Edition) <501>" for tea lovers and connoisseurs.

2021.05.07 (Fri)


A7394《大益投資指南 2005-2020》


浮雲精選的 2005 優質茶品圖錄(一茶一頁)。


A Collection and Investment Guide of
TAETEA (Dayi) Puerh Tea from
Menghai Tea Factory 2005-2020

The 10th Draft for Cloud's approval

The photo album of selected 2005 fine Puerh tea chosen by Cloud (One Page One Tea).

2021.05.08 (Sat)


A7395《大益投資指南 2005-2020》


浮雲精選的 2006 明星茶品圖錄(一茶一頁)。


A Collection and Investment Guide of
TAETEA (Dayi) Puerh Tea from
Menghai Tea Factory 2005-2020

The 10th Draft for Cloud's approval

The photo album of selected 2006 famous Puerh tea chosen by Cloud (One Page One Tea).

2021.05.09 (Sun)


A7396《大益投資指南 2005-2020》


浮雲精選的 2006 流通茶品圖錄(兩茶一頁)。


A Collection and Investment Guide of
TAETEA (Dayi) Puerh Tea from
Menghai Tea Factory 2005-2020

The 10th Draft for Cloud's approval

The photo album of selected 2006 circulated Puerh tea chosen by Cloud (One Page Two Teas).

2021.05.10 (Mon)


A7397《大益投資指南 2005-2020》


浮雲精選的 2007 優質茶品圖錄(三茶兩頁)。


A Collection and Investment Guide of
TAETEA (Dayi) Puerh Tea from
Menghai Tea Factory 2005-2020

The 10th Draft for Cloud's approval

The photo album of selected 2007 fine Puerh tea chosen by Cloud (Two Pages Three Teas).

2021.05.11 (Tue)


A7398《大益投資指南 2005-2020》


浮雲精選的 2007 明星茶品圖錄(「大益七子餅茶0772<701>400g紫版」和「大益七子餅茶0772<702>400g綠版」)


A Collection and Investment Guide of
TAETEA (Dayi) Puerh Tea from
Menghai Tea Factory 2005-2020

The 10th Draft for Cloud's approval

The photo album of selected 2007 famous Puerh tea chosen by Cloud ("Dayi Seven-son Tea Cake 0772 <701> 400g Purple Edition" & "Dayi Seven-son Tea Cake 0772 <701> 400g Green Edition").
YOU KNOW, this is the hint from Cloud!

2021.05.12 (Wed)


A7399《大益投資指南 2005-2020》


浮雲精選的 2008 明星茶品圖錄和詳細剖析文章


A Collection and Investment Guide of
TAETEA (Dayi) Puerh Tea from
Menghai Tea Factory 2005-2020

The 10th Draft for Cloud's approval

The photo album of selected 2008 famous Puerh tea chosen by Cloud and the in-depth anslysing article (in Chinese).

"2008 Dayi Spring March - Spring Flavor Raw Tea Cake (500g) <801>"
"2008 Dayi Aged Autumn Tea - Autumn Flavor Raw Tea Cake (500g) <801>"
are the Great Dark Horses. Don't overlook and buy them ASAP!

2021.05.13 (Thu)


A7400《大益投資指南 2005-2020》




A Collection and Investment Guide of
TAETEA (Dayi) Puerh Tea from
Menghai Tea Factory 2005-2020

The 10th Draft for Cloud's approval

The fine selected "2008 Dayi Spring March - Spring Flavor Raw Tea Cake (500g) <801>" and "2008 Dayi Aged Autumn Tea - Autumn Flavor Raw Tea Cake (500g) <801>" chosen by Cloud. With the complete, in-depth, detailed descriptions and photos, this looks speculative. HOWEVER, the main point is the prices are going up!

2021.05.14 (Fri)


A7401《大益投資指南 2005-2020》




A Collection and Investment Guide of
TAETEA (Dayi) Puerh Tea from
Menghai Tea Factory 2005-2020

The 10th Draft for Cloud's approval

The fine selected "2008 Dayi Spring March - Spring Flavor Raw Tea Cake (500g) <801>" and "2008 Dayi Aged Autumn Tea - Autumn Flavor Raw Tea Cake (500g) <801>" chosen by Cloud. This is the complete unboxing of these 2 teas. You know, Cloud's Tea Collection always collects and recommends potential good Puerh teas.

2021.05.15 (Sat)


A7402《大益投資指南 2005-2020》




A Collection and Investment Guide of
TAETEA (Dayi) Puerh Tea from
Menghai Tea Factory 2005-2020

The 10th Draft for Cloud's approval

The fine selected "2008 Dayi Aged Autumn Tea - Autumn Flavor Raw Tea Cake (500g) <801>" chosen by Cloud has already been inflated a lot recently. Let's put it simple, will the price of this tea be going up again? Obviously, no need to say!

2021.05.16 (Sun)


A7403《大益投資指南 2005-2020》




A Collection and Investment Guide of
TAETEA (Dayi) Puerh Tea from
Menghai Tea Factory 2005-2020

The 10th Draft for Cloud's approval

The fine selected "2009 Dayi Sapphire Blue 7542 <901>" and "2012 Dayi Renchen Year Specially Made 7542 <203>" chosen by Cloud. With the complete, in-depth, detailed descriptions and photos, Cloud has already told you what investment teas to buy. Just whether believe it or not?

2021.05.17 (Mon)


A7404《大益投資指南 2005-2020》


浮雲精選的 2010 明星「70周年廠慶茶-黃金歲月(生茶)」
十一年陳期 + 本身三年陳,還要浮雲「畫公仔畫出腸嗎?」


A Collection and Investment Guide of
TAETEA (Dayi) Puerh Tea from
Menghai Tea Factory 2005-2020

The 10th Draft for Cloud's approval

The fine selected 2010 famous Puerh tea chosen by Cloud. It is the "2010 Dayi Golden Era - The 70th Anniversary Commemorative Raw Tea Cake of Menghai Tea Factory <001>". It was released in 2010. That means it has 11 years of actual aging. In addition, Dayi claims that it was compressed by raw materials with 3 years of aging. In total, theoretically, it is now a 14 years of aging tea in 2021. But the current price is still extrememly low (in considertaion of its aging years), it seems that the market forgets this tea. There is no need for Cloud to say it clearly, right? Just simply take action, "I'm in!"

2021.05.18 (Tue)


A7405《大益投資指南 2005-2020》


浮雲精選的 2011 大師「辛亥百年紀念套裝 1911g x 4 大餅茶」


A Collection and Investment Guide of
TAETEA (Dayi) Puerh Tea from
Menghai Tea Factory 2005-2020

The 10th Draft for Cloud's approval

The fine selected 2011 masterpiece Puerh tea chosen by Cloud. It is the masterpiece "2011 TAETEA Century Revolution Centennial Huge Tea Boxset (1911g x 4)". This boxset was the "Masterpiece Series" officially approved by TAETEA (Dayi). Today, the new TAETEA (Dayi) is so expensive that buying a set of this officially approved masterpiece series for daily consumption is a good cost-saving idea. No need to think too much, buy now and good to drink.

2021.05.19 (Wed)


A7406《大益投資指南 2005-2020》


浮雲精選的 2012 明星「黃金歲月(典藏)金瓜<201>7KG」
九年陳期 + 本身七年陳,很貴嗎?當年限量生產極靚之茶,找到賣家,趕緊付款!


A Collection and Investment Guide of
TAETEA (Dayi) Puerh Tea from
Menghai Tea Factory 2005-2020

The 10th Draft for Cloud's approval

The fine selected 2012 famous Puerh tea chosen by Cloud. It is the "2012 Dayi Golden Era (Collectible) - 7KG Golden Melon Raw Tea <201>". It was released in 2012. That means it has 9 years of actual aging. In addition, Dayi claims that it was compressed by raw materials with 7 years of aging. In total, theoretically, it is now a 16 years of aging tea in 2021. The current price is inexpensive (in considertaion of its aging years). It was the limited edition tea (claimed 1,000 boxes ONLY) produced in 2012 with its great materials and taste. If you can contact anybody wanna to sell one, pay and buy!

2021.05.20 (Thu)


A7407《大益投資指南 2005-2020》


浮雲精選的 2012 明星《大益》生肖「龍騰盛世」
大樹生肖龍餅,大家忘記了它嗎?在 2012 年用上第二代防偽標籤,這是伏筆,文章為你剖析。


A Collection and Investment Guide of
TAETEA (Dayi) Puerh Tea from
Menghai Tea Factory 2005-2020

The 10th Draft for Cloud's approval

The fine selected 2012 famous TAETEA Chinese Zodiac Puerh tea chosen by Cloud. It is the "2012 TAETEA Chinese Zodiac - Dragon Raw Tea Cake <201>". It seems that the market forgets that this Zodiac Dragon Raw Tea Cake was compressed by Arbor tea. Cloud will tell you, in the article (Chinese), the reason why this tea was so special that it still used the 2nd generation of Anti-counterfeit label in 2012.

2021.05.21 (Fri)


A7408《大益投資指南 2005-2020》


浮雲精選的 2012 的《大益》「磚磚沱沱」,都有收錄啊!


A Collection and Investment Guide of
TAETEA (Dayi) Puerh Tea from
Menghai Tea Factory 2005-2020

The 10th Draft for Cloud's approval

The fine selected 2012 TAETEA (Dayi) Bricks and Bowl Teas chosen by Cloud were also recorded in this Collection and Investment Guide.

2021.05.22 (Sat)


A7409《大益投資指南 2005-2020》




A Collection and Investment Guide of
TAETEA (Dayi) Puerh Tea from
Menghai Tea Factory 2005-2020

The 10th Draft for Cloud's approval

2016~2019 "Four Greatest Luxurious TAETEA (Dayi) Tea Leading Menghai Tea Factory to the Road of Financial Commodities"
If you want to know more about TAETEA (Dayi), how could you possibly be overlooking the leading tea cakes among those latest TAETEA famous young teas?

2021.05.23 (Sun)


A7410《大益投資指南 2005-2020》




A Collection and Investment Guide of
TAETEA (Dayi) Puerh Tea from
Menghai Tea Factory 2005-2020

The 10th Draft for Cloud's approval

2016~2019 "Four Greatest Luxurious TAETEA (Dayi) Tea"
Cloud unboxes them piece by piece from the original stack and tells you the details in 4 articles (Chinese).

2021.05.24 (Mon)


A7411《大益投資指南 2005-2020》


浮雲精選的 2019 明星《大益》「仙鶴」生熟拍檔「滄海<1901>」和「煙霞<1901>」。


A Collection and Investment Guide of
TAETEA (Dayi) Puerh Tea from
Menghai Tea Factory 2005-2020

The 10th Draft for Cloud's approval

The fine selected 2019 famous TAETEA (Dayi) Puerh tea chosen by Cloud, the "2019 TAETEA Cang Hai The Sea <1901>" and the "2019 TAETEA Yan Xia [The Haze] (Ripe Tea) <1901>". They are the raw and ripe tea cakes respectively from the same year and tea lovers always pair them up and compare.

2021.05.25 (Tue)


全書共 608 頁,


There are other great pages in this book.
All together are 608 pages.

Available For Sale Now at
Cloud's Tea House:

《大益投資指南 2005-2020》

尚有其他精彩頁面,全書共 608 頁,



A Collection and Investment Guide of
TAETEA (Dayi) Puerh Tea from
Menghai Tea Factory 2005-2020

There are other great pages in this book.
All together are 608 pages.

Available For Sale Now at
Cloud's Tea House:

2021.08.18 (Wed)



【更新日誌】 (Update LOG)
∼公元 2021 年 04 月 28 日創作本頁,即加入《大益投資指南 2005-2020》作者校對稿:第10稿,搶先照片28張 (2021.04.28 This page was created)
∼公元 2021 年 05 月 05 日更新本頁,提供更多英文翻譯 (2021.05.05 This page was updated and more translation)
∼公元 2021 年 05 月 16 日更新本頁,提供全面英文翻譯 (2021.05.16 This page was updated and translations of photo descriptions were all provided)
∼公元 2021 年 08 月 21 日更新本頁,提供【書本詳細介紹】 (2021.08.21 This page was updated and [More Details] were provided)

Back to main page: Cloud's Tea Collection - Private Tea Album

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To: A Collection and Investment Guide of TAETEA (Dayi) Puerh Tea from Menghai Tea Factory 2005-2020 (Webpage)

[Copyrights] Photographs provided herein are allowed to be downloaded for personal reference only. Any commercial use by whatever means of the photographs displayed hereinabove shall be strictly prohibited unless and until permission is given by the photograph providers. All Rights Reserved.